Behind the scenes at AMMO NYC

Go behind the scenes with AMMO NYC on the BMW Performance Center M3. See the steps he takes and how we started working together.

Larry Kosilla

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Larry Kosilla’s AMMO NYC brand is well-known on these pages by now. He will sometimes invite me to shoot rare cars, but this time, I asked for his help with the Performance Center M3. Let’s answer some questions!

How did you meet Larry?

BMW M3 badge
Let’s get clean.

Along with being a photographer, hopefully you can tell that I’m a graphic designer. I watched some videos and loved his genuine enthusiasm. Then, I tried a few products and found them to be superior. So I reached out and sent him a mockup of some design work. He liked the look, and now here we are, many years later.

Where is the AMMO NYC shop?

I’ll never tell. Sorry.

BMW M3 dirty
The car was ready for a bath.

What’s it like to film with him?

Larry puts real time and effort into each episode he films, and like any good production, it’s a long day. But fun! He’ll often direct me or anyone featured in the videos, along with detailing the car. It’s not easy – I imagine what it would be like to film an episode of me shooting cars. Pausing, moving, talking to the camera, then getting back to work. Not easy.

M3 suspension
Larry will start under the car, cleaning out mud and gunk form underneath.
M3 suds
After working underneath, the body gets sprayed and washed.
M3 spray
Nothing is left out, even brake calipers.

How long does a filming day take?

At least a day for the M3, but longer if it’s a car that’s in really bad shape.

M3 pressure wash
The cars are pressure washed with warm water after soap.
M3 dry
Larry will use compressed air to get water out of crevices, and then towel-dried.

Did Larry like the M3 after driving it?

He might be a Porsche fan, but he couldn’t hide his smile.

Larry Kosilla Driving
Clean cars deserve nice rollers.

What are the steps Larry follows to detail a car like this?

He’s well-versed in it, and he has a checklist that goes something like this:

  • Spray the entire car down with water
  • Lift it up and take off the wheels
  • Clean the wheel wells and undercarriage with soap and scrubbing
  • Wash the wheels
  • Clean the brakes, and polish the calipers if needed
  • Soak the car is soap, then wash
  • Towel / air compressor to dry
  • Inspect the body for swirl marks and imperfections to repair, then polish
  • Coat with REFLEX PRO
  • Install wheels and lower
  • Clean glass
  • Clean and vacuum interior
  • Give the body a final wipe with SPIT or REBOOT
  • MUD the tires
  • Drive it!
BMW M3 wheels
Wheels waiting to be cleaned.

Is he really that good?

Yes, he is.

How many cars do I shoot a year? I’m not sure – it’s a lot as this blog shows. Larry’s cars are the cleanest, best-prepared vehicles that I work with. The extra attention to the detail, along with his specific product formulas, really make the car shine.

Larry Kosilla driving
No one does blue steel better.

Was the M3 in bad shape?

Remember that the cars at the Performance Center are no Sunday drivers. They live the life of a dedicated track car, and usually have rubber marks from tires, dirt and swirls in the paint, and water spots from storage outside.

The car was fine with a light polish on its Alpine White paint, but the real challenge was working with the delicate decals on the car. Most of the BMWs at the school are not liveried up like this one was.

What’s next with AMMO NYC?

Beats me, but whatever it is, it’ll be fun! Check out the final video below.

BMW M3 AMMO Garage
In what’s become a tradition, I have to capture the clean car in the garage.

Commissions may be received for product links on this site, so help out if you can. I only write about products I use and believe in.

I use Nikon camera bodies and lenses, a Westcott Ice Light 2, Manfrotto tripod, B + W filters and an iMac Pro to make the art you see here.

Email me at with any questions.

Follow along on Instagram @machineswithsouls

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