The fallout from Kies Motorsports auto show

I’d like to believe that by now, you’re aware that I always write the truth, be it a car review, working with a shop, or attending an event. But the responses I received on social media and email should warrant some explanations in regards to the Kies Motorsports Auto Show, so let’s explore. Email me!…


I’d like to believe that by now, you’re aware that I always write the truth, be it a car review, working with a shop, or attending an event. But the responses I received on social media and email should warrant some explanations in regards to the Kies Motorsports Auto Show, so let’s explore.

Email me!


A majority of responses were positive, agreeing with my assessment of the show. I’ll keep it anonymous:

“This is the most honest piece of literature I’ve read in some time.”

“Applause the honesty on the event, I actually said I’m good for serval (sic) reasons you spoke out about. Especially the weed thing I mean congrats you can do it publicly but just because you can doesn’t mean you should… kudos for speaking what many of us thought and know without hesitation.”

“Excellent article – glad I didn’t go. I suspected that would be the case based on some of the larger (paid) meets. Literally takes the fun out of the community.”

And many similar responses. So, it’s not just me. But I do have the voice, so I’m glad I could speak for so many.


How could you say it was a bad event? Don’t you have an agenda to make money on your own site, and don’t companies sponsor you?

– Derek


Kies Motorsport

Perhaps this can be a mailbag in and of itself, but sponsors don’t just magically appear. Every part that’s on my M3 is a result of me doing the research, reaching out to select companies that I want to work with, and hopefully forming a partnership that’s beneficial for everyone. Absolutely no one hands me parts, and I have turned companies down that simply aren’t a match, for whatever reason.

I work with AMMO, with TySpeed, and with iND because I know they produce quality products, not because they pay me to go there. The automotive community is full of people involved for the wrong reasons. Larry lives and breathes clean cars. Tyler races up mountains. These are real people, not a persona to present to the world.

And I certainly want this website to be as authentic as possible too, so good or bad, you’ll get the truth.


Did you call Atco and ask how much is it to rent for the day? Guarantee you have no idea.

– A very angry man


This was in response to the cost of entry, so I did some digging.

According to Atco’s website, it costs $3,500 to rent the strip for the day with 14 cars, 10AM to 4:30 PM. Each additional car is $250. That doesn’t translate to the event’s cost, where it was $40 to show your car, $20 to enter as a spectator, and $200 to race.

It’s hypothetical since I don’t have an actual count, but let’s be generous and say 25 cars drag raced. That’s $5,000. Then let’s say 300 cars total showed up, with an average entry fee of $40, for a total of $12,000, bring the total to $17,000. I’m sure Atco didn’t charge that much for the day’s events.

According to Kies, “As many know, we do these shows as a charity event to give away ALL proceeds to those in need. This year we were collectively able to serve underprivileged families in Lebanon who are struggling to afford basic necessities including food, water, baby supplies, etc.”

What was the organization responsible for collecting? Why didn’t they have a presence at the show, where even a food drive might have helped. It would have been nice to see something that said “Hey, we raised $X,XXX for our charity!”, but I couldn’t even find where it was going before the event. And a Google search didn’t reveal any specific charity in or around Lebanon.

Finally, if all “proceeds” (that means all the money collected) went to charity, that means Atco sponsored the event for free, and the entire point is moot. But this wasn’t the “Atco BMW show”.

I’m not saying it didn’t go where it was supposed to (or that it did) but more transparency would have been helpful.

Want your car reviewed?

If you live in the tri-state area and want me to check it out, send me an email! 

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I use Nikon camera bodies and lenses, a Westcott Ice Light 2, Manfrotto tripod, B + W filters and an iMac Pro to make the art you see here.

Follow along on Instagram @machineswithsouls

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