My M3 is for sale, and letting go of what you love

My M3 is for sale on Cars & Bids, and I won't try to talk you out of it. But I do want to say good-bye the right way.


You might think that, because I am self-edited, I answer to no one. The reality is much less glamorous – Google is my editor. If they don’t like what I write, no one finds it and therefore reads it. Boo hoo. So I always write with purpose. I gotta grab your attention, and keep it, for 2,000 words.

Well, this one time, I don’t care about Google. Or you, really. I’m writing this for me, because it’s time to let something go. My M3 is for sale.

It’s available now on Cars & Bids. And no, I won’t talk you out of it.

Getting back in

The first car I ever wrote a review for. How fitting.

“Mike, why are you sad, you fool. You have a brand new one, a better one, sitting in your garage already.”

See you again.

And you’re right, random internet person, I do already have a new one. But it’s not this one.

In February of 2019, I sold my E92 M3. That really sucked, but I needed to fund this website, and I couldn’t do it unless it went away. And away it went (it’s on its fourth owner now, and yes, they always reach out to me). I packed it up onto a truck and watched it drive away. But I made a promise that I’d get another, and I’d do it my way.

So I did.

M3 at Weehawken

When I saw the G80 for the first time in person, I knew it would have an impact on my life. Kind of like when I met my wife for the first time. If you don’t get that statement, you’re just not a car person. Or ever been in love.

The timing isn’t always right, to do what is right

The G80 has been an important car for me, and this site, since its inception.

In March of 2021, I went to the dealer and worked out a deal. But hey, it’s an expensive car, and we’re a young family. Was Mrs. Machines really on board? Of course – she trusts me because we’re like, a team and stuff. And then I thought back to my favorite quote from Wayne Gretzky:

“A good hockey player plays where the puck is. A great hockey player plays where the puck is going to be.”

We sat in a mall parking lot inside my old 335, and decided that yes, I can go for it. The result was what I hope became one of the more famous G80 M3s on the internet.

Stop staring at it

Hall of fame shot.

It’s what I did too much of with my E92. Storing it for winter. Saving it for the most special of drives. Why? In some cars, every drive can be special. I regret putting only 29,000 miles on it.

It’s a lesson I took to heart. With this car, I’d pick it up from the Performance Center and drive it home nearly 800 miles. In one night. The McDonald’s I stopped at in backwater Virginia at was closed at 5PM.

And the places it’s been since! Larry’s AMMO shop. MPACT. Philadelphia. The Fall Cruises. Car shows. Times Square. I’ve lived in it during shoots, and it’s taken my family home safely many times. It’s my daughter’s school bus, and the car I want when I’m attacking the back roads with confidence.

I even built a book around it.

Point is, I drove it, with only the line of press cars stopping me from using up the full lease mileage.

Even though the M3 is for sale, The car’s story isn’t over, and neither is mine

In the Performance Center lobby.

My genuine hope is that the person who buys this car loves and cares for it as I have, but like breaking up, I have no control over it once it’s out of my life.

I still think about all my old cars. What do my 350Zs look like now? Are they trashed? My 3000GT probably is, that thing is almost 30 years old. Each car fit that point of my life. They were all special.

And now, my M3 Competition is becoming special too. I don’t miss the manual. Really. Yup. Not lying. The M3 is better this way, but I’m glad I get to say “I had one”, before they are gone for good.

So bid early, bid often. And God speed M3. May your turbos spool freely, without oil starvation.



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